Jeanette Rodriguez – Director, Otto Specht School

Several years ago the Otto Specht School reached out to Panorama consulting for guidance and assistance with our fundraising efforts. Little did we know how much was needed to address that request!  Panorama Consulting spent countless hours with the school creating the infrastructure needed to begin successful fundraising - including a capital campaign. 

Scott Williams and his team understand the many dimensions and complexities of fundraising and worked with the school to build a robust and flourishing annual and capital campaign.  Panorama Consulting has a great resource with Scott as its leader, he has years of experience and expertise as a fundraiser and has unique insights into the challenges  and intricacies of fundraising for schools and non-profit endeavors. 

We are very grateful to work with Panorama Consulting and have developed a long-standing and trusting partnership.  The Panorama team knows how to navigate human interactions and has been skillful in building consensus and enthusiasm in both strategy and execution.  Panorama Fundraising has great integrity and professionalism and is highly respected by our board and administrative team for their contributions to the success of the Otto Specht School. 


Beth Riungu – Development Director, Meadowbrook Waldorf School


Guy Alma, Director of Development - The Camphill School